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Modern Motorcycle Diaries

    My name Alex Chacón. I am a graduate of the University of Texas where I graduated with Honors in Biomedical Sciences, in Nutrition and Chemistry. Before beginning my doctoral studies I embarked on conquering my lifelong dream of traveling the world in the most adventurous and amazing way possible by motorbike, committed to documenting my adventures while raising awareness/funds for charitable causes. I initially sold everything I had at the beginning of my journey, including my car, TV and clothes and departed my hometown of El Paso Texas with nothing to return to, living only out of my motorcycle for the next 3 years. People say my story is as incredible as it is inspirational, unique, and motivational. I've endeavored to work directly with local charities and the less fortunate children of the world in each of the 22+ Latin American countries I visited to inspire others around the world to do the same in their own way.

    I've faced life endangering situations like being stranded for 4 days without food and broken motorcycle in the most remote part of the Patagonia, bureaucratic corruption that got me arrested/detained various times in Central America and the Middle East, to being robbed in intense crime stricken areas, dealing with natural disasters that wiped out entire villages and roads, to sleeping in parking lots/next to rivers with malaria infested mosquitoes, running out of money only 200 miles from the tip of the continent, and even dealing with the suicide of a fellow travel companion while on the road, all while raising funds internationally for charity from sponsors and individuals following his journey online.

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