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    About Away Lands

    Away Lands is the creative partnership and life journey of Amy Seder and Brandon Burkley. We specialize in lifestyle and travel short films and photography, showcasing a heightened and curated reality. Away Lands was sparked after feeling unfulfilled in our jobs, and the realization that we were living just to get through to the next vacation - what started as a decision to embark on an adventure around the world quickly evolved into starting a business together. Amy was previously a commercial photographer and photo producer and Brandon was a finance professional with a passion for travel, film, and flying. Together, we took our skills on the road and began traveling full-time in September, 2016.

    Since starting this adventure, we have been around and around the world - we've jumped out of planes, visited ancient wonders of the world, climbed volcanos, slept in the Sahara desert, and have had the chance to befriend and connect with people all over the world.

    Away Lands is available for a variety of film and photography assignments around the globe - behind the camera, in front of the camera, or both.

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